Cheating Gone Wrong As Little Boy Busted By His Father For Changing His Position On His Terminal Report Just To Collect A Bottle Of Malt [Video]

A video has been sighted on social media that captures the moment a school boy was being confronted by his daddy after he deliberately changed his position on his terminal report just to earn the admiration of his father.

Even if not all of you, I am pretty sure most of you have once tried to outsmart your parents especially when you realize you did not do so well in an examination as expected.

Well, this young boy named Felix has disappointed his father double-time for changing his position on his terminal reports just to impress him.

In the video, the agitated father was heard asking Felix as to what prompted him to change his exam report even though some of the marks do not match the position he gave himself.

According to the father, he is very disappointed in Felix for trying to deceive him just to take a bottle of malt from him for something he never did.

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